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Brian Skyrms

Professor of Philosophy, Emeritus
Brian Skyrms

Featured Articles

"Grades of Inductive Skepticism" Philosophy of Science Vol. 81 . 2014

"Some Dynamics of Signaling Games" Simon Huttegger, Pierre Tarrès, Elliott Wagner Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U.S.A. Vol. 111 . 2014

"Evolution and the Social Contract" The Tanner Lectures on Human Values Vol. 28 University of Utah Press. 2009

"Presidential Address" Signals Philosophy of Science Vol. 75 . 2008

"Diachronic Coherence and Radical Probabilism" Philosophy of Science Vol. 73 . 2006

"A Dynamic Model of Social Network Formation" Robin Pemantle Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U.S.A. Vol. 97 . 2000

"Logical Atomism and Combinatorial Possibility" The Journal of Philosophy Vol. 90 . 1993


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