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Graciela de Pierris

Clarence Irving Lewis Professor of Philosophy

Featured Books

Featured Articles

"Hume’s Skepticism and Inductivism concerning Space and Geometry" Vincenzo De Risi (ed) in Mathematizing Space: The Objects of Geometry from Antiquity to the Early Modern Age Birkhäuser. 2015

"Hume's Phenomenological Conception of Space, Time and Mathematics" Michael Frauchinger (ed) Reference, Rationality, and Phenomenology: Themes from Follesdal (107-119) Ontos Verlag. 2013

"Newton, Locke, and Hume" Andrew Janiak (ed), Eric Schliesser (ed) Interpreting Newton. Critical Essays CUP. 2012

"Hume and Descartes on Skepticism with Regard to Demonstrative Reasoning" Análisis Filosófico (101-119) . 2005

"Quine’s Historical Argument for Epistemology Naturalized" Friedrich Stadler (ed) Kluwer Academic Publishers. 2003

"Geometry in the Metaphysical Exposition" Volker Gerhardt, Ralph Schumacher, Rolf-Peter Horstmann Kant und die Berliner Aufklärung (197-204) Walter de Gruyter. 2001

"Naturalismo y la Autonomía del Pensamiento Filosófico" La Epistemología Naturalista de Quine en relación a la Epistemología Tradicional Análisis Filosófico 15:1 (5-30) . 1999

"Philosophical Scepticism in Wittgenstein's On Certainty" Richard H. Popkin (ed) Scepticism in the History of Philosophy (181-196) Kluwer Academic Publishers. 1996

"Wittgenstein y el Escepticismo Filosófico" Manuscrito 18:2 (245-274) . 1995

"Kant and Innatism" Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 68:3,4 (285-305) . 1987

"Necesidad Como Criterio de la Aprioridad " Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia 13:1 (33-46) . 1987


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