PM Irvin
My research focuses on the radicalism of W.E.B. Du Bois, with related interests in the political theory of racial capitalism and empire. I theorize with Africana philosophers from the long 20th century, inclusive of Black radical theorists domestically and abroad, particularly in Africa and the Caribbean.
In my research, I am primarily concerned with theorizing Du Bois’ mature conception of colonialism from largely unpublished materials written in the mid-1940’s through the early 1960’s. Moreover, I am researching Du Bois' novel conception of pacifism, wherein he conceives of the permanent abolition of war and peace on a global scale. In that project, I trace the development of his pacifist politics over the course of his career, from his notion of “real pacifism” in Darkwater to his later conception of peace as dangerous to the status quo.
With respect to my research in Du Bois Studies, additional topics of interest include: Du Bois’ conceptions of racial capitalism, imperialism, and whiteness; his view that colonialism is the root cause of war; the color line; abolition-democracy and the idea of reconstruction; his engagement with Marxism; affective commitments to war and imperialism; his philosophy of history; and the development of his philosophy of social science. Further figures of interest in Africana philosophy include, but are not limited to: Shirley Graham Du Bois, Walter Rodney, Kwame Nkrumah, George Jackson, Kwame Ture, Kathleen Cleaver, Amilcar Cabral, CLR James, George Padmore, Claudia Jones, and Frantz Fanon.