PRISM reading group

PRISM - Promoting the Interdisciplinary Study of Mental Health
This reading group will bring together students in the humanities, science and medicine, and law and policy to discuss controversies surrounding mental health and illness. We hope to explore these issues from multiple levels of analysis and styles of inquiry to learn from each other's experience and expertise.
Readings will be crowdsourced from participants and curated by the organizers, but some questions we will explore include: what is a mental illness? How should we study mental illness scientifically? Should the involuntary treatment of mental illness be permitted? What would an effective and just mental healthcare system look like?
If you have any interest in mental health - personal or professional - we'd love to see you! Please email Alexander Pereira (pereirak [at] (pereirak[at]stanford[dot]edu)) or Carly Frieders (carlyf28 [at] (carlyf28[at]stanford[dot]edu)) to join or to recieve more information.