Alumni updates

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Prach Panchakunathorn

Justice for Risk-Takers
Ethics without Moralism: An Essay on Agency, Reason, and Responsibility


Cristina Ceballos
Three Essays on Administrative Law, Artificial Intelligence, and Disparate Impact

Landon Hobbs

A Neglected Causal Principle of Aristotle
Mikayla Kelley
Control in Action
Hyoung Sung Kim

Hyoung Sung Kim

Kant and the Dynamics of Pure Thinking: Essays on Kant's Theoretical Philosophy

Taylor Madigan

Responsibility and Cooperation

Austen McDougal

Motives as the Heart of Ethics and Agency
Thomas Slabon

Thomas Slabon

An Outline of Outlines: Typological Arguments in Plato and Aristotle

Ben Sparkes

Declan Thompson
Algorithms and execution traces
Adam Zweber

Adam Zweber

The Natural/Non-natural Distinction in Metaethics


John Wilcox
Probabilistic reasoning, actual and ideal


Michael Cohen
Dynamic Introspection
Jonathan Ettel

Jonathan Ettel

The Nature and Scope of Geometry in the Thought of Descartes and Newton
Hannah H. Kim
Generating and Grounding Fictional Truth
Olga Lenczewska
Kant and Rawls on the Moral and Political Development of Persons
W. Jared Parmer
Making Meaning
John Turman

John Turman

A Less Thoroughly Holistic Neobehaviorism


Amos J. B. Espeland

Amos J. B. Espeland

Plato's Philosophy of Law
Nathan Hauthaler
Practical Determination: Action, Capacity, Knowledge
Roy Lee
The Ethical Theory of Aristotle’s Eudemian Ethics
Christopher Lewis
Inequality and the Distribution of Punishment
Krzysztof Mierzewski

Krzysztof Mierzewski

Acceptance and Approximation: Studies on Probabilistic Stability, Acceptance Rules on Atomless Spaces, and Algebraic Logics of Approximation
Sara Mrsny

Sara Mrsny

Justice and Work-Family Conflict
Yafeng Wang

Yafeng Wang

Reconstructing Past Events: A Study of Engineering Failure Investigations
Greg Taylor

Gregory Wong-Taylor

Sensible Synthesis and Logical Analysis: Kant and Frege on Judgment
Francesca Zaffora Blando
Patterns and Probabilities: A Study in Algorithmic Randomness and Computable Learning


Silvia De Toffoli
Kantian Social Constructivism
Adwait A. Parker

Adwait A. Parker

Mathematical and Physical Space in Kantian Idealism

Ryan Putzer

The Introduction of Forms in Phaedo 74a-c


Alisa Bierria

Missing in Action: Agency, Race, & Recognition
Nicholas DiBella

Nicholas DiBella

The World Is (Almost Surely) a Strange Place
Huw Duffy

Huw Duffy

Inquiry into Politics: A Study of Plato's Politicus
Dustin King

Dustin King

Flawed assumptions, robust evidence: On the role of theoretical presuppositions in grounding empirical evidence in science
Grace Paterson

Grace Paterson

Speaker Systems
Paul Tulipana
Kant's idea of a critique of practical reason


Blake Francis

Blake Francis

Wrongful Harm by Emitting: Individual & Collective Agents in the Context of Climate Change (2017, Debra Satz)

Peter Hawke

The Problem of Epistemic Relevance (2017, Johan van Benthem)

Poong Shil Lee

Mental Files and Shallow Pretense (2017, Mark Crimmins)
Katy Meadows

Katy Meadows

Aristotle on Ontological Priority (2017, Alan Code)
Shane Maclean Steinert-Threlkeld

Shane Maclean Steinert-Threlkeld

Communication and Computation: New Questions About Compositionality (2017, Johan van Benthem)
Jessica Williams

Jessica Williams

Kant and the Structure of the Given (2017, R. Lanier Anderson)


Max Etchemendy

Max Etchemendy

No Power Alike: Legal Realism and Legal Reality (2016, Nadeem Hussain)
On the Applicability of Mathematics in Physics: A Critical Review of Wigner's Puzzle (2016, Tom Ryckman)
Micah Lewin
Recovering a Kantian Analytic/Synthetic Distinction through Incompatibility (2016, Ken Taylor)
Carlos Núñez

Carlos Núñez

The Will and Normative Judgment (2016, Michael Bratman)
Fernando Rudy Hiller

Fernando Rudy Hiller

Ignorance, capacitarian control, and responsibility (2016, Michael Bratman)


Samuel Asarnow
Practical Reasons, Practical Reasoning (2015, Michael Bratman)
Kevin Nelson

Kevin Nelson

Objective Probability and the Art of Judgment (2015, Tom Ryckman)
Govind Persad

Govind Persad

Moving Toward Fairness: Essays on the Normative Aspects of Socioeconomic Mobility (2015, Debra Satz)
Grant Rozeboom

Grant Rozeboom

Having the Right Attitude, (2015, Tamar Schapiro)


Alexei Angelides

Alexei Angelides

The Structure & Limits of Finitism (2014, Tom Ryckman)
Shawn Burns

Shawn Burns

Representation and Realism in Descartes's Meditations (2014, Graciela de Pierris)
Amanda R. Greene

Amanda R. Greene

Legitimacy and Democracy: A Platonic Defense of Voluntary Rule (2014, Josh Cohen)
RJ Leland

RJ Leland

Justifying Political Liberalism (2014, David Hills)
Praveen Shanbhag

Praveen Shanbhag

Space, Mind, and Discursive Knowledge (2014, Michael Friedman)


Rahul Chaudhri

On Nietzsche's historical philosophy (2013, R. Lanier Anderson)
Luis Cheng-Guajardo

Luis Cheng-Guajardo

The Practical Demand of Means-End Rationality (2013, Tamar Schapiro)
Marcello di Bello
Statistics and Probability in Criminal Trial: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (2013, Krista Lawlor)

Tal Glezer

(advisor: Michael Friedman)

Karola Kreitmair

Sticky Attunements: On the Relationship Between Organisms and Their Environments (2013, Ken Taylor)
Alan McLuckie

Alan McLuckie

Kant's Moral Anthropology (2013, Allen Wood)
Jeremy Meyers

Jeremy Meyers

Locations, Bodies, and Sets (2013, Johan van Benthem)
Sally Riordan

Sally Riordan

The Making of the Kilogram, 1789-1799 (2013, Michael Friedman)
David Taylor
Essays on Indeterminacy (2013, Mark Crimmins)
Han van Wietmarschen

Han van Wietmarschen

Reasonable Disagreement: Liberal Citizens and Epistemic Peers (2013, Michael Bratman)


Will Beals

Will Beals

The Importance of Dedication (2012, Michael Bratman)
Wes Holliday
Knowing What Follows (2012, Johan van Benthem and Krista Lawlor, co-chairs)

Tobey Scharding

Individual Differences and Equal Citizenship: Two Reconciliations (2012, Joshua Cohen)

Assaf Sharon

The Rule of Law: A Philosophical Investigation of Law and Liberty (2012, Joshua Cohen)
Donovan Wishon

Donovan Wishon

Russellian Acquaintance and Phenomenal Concepts (2012, John Perry)


Daniel Elstein

Daniel Elstein

The Unlikeliness of Colossal Coincidence Justifies Induction (2011, John Perry)
Daniel Halliday

Daniel Halliday

Persons, Priority and Poverty: A Study of Welfarist Theories of Distribution (2011, Joshua Cohen)
Peyton McElroy

Peyton McElroy

On Redemption: The Value of Putting Bad Things to Good Use (2011, R. Lanier Anderson)
Teru Miyake

Teru Miyake

Underdetermination and Indirect Measurement (2011, Michael Friedman)
Benjamin Wolfson

Benjamin Wolfson

Action and Knowledge (2011, Michael Bratman)


Dan Giberman
Glop Theory: A New Trope Ontology (2010, John Perry)
Alistair Isaac

Alistair Isaac

Perception as Measurement (2010)
Lael K. Weis

Lael K. Weis

Public Purpose Common Good: Constitutional Property in the Democratic State ( 2010, Debra Satz)
rodin statue

Johanna Wolff

Structural Realism, Quantum Field Theory, and the Fate of Naturalistic Metaphysics (2010)